I was so inspired by the support I got from the “women on fire” group today. I am very grateful! I had a really good full day and I ate perfectly. 🙂 Now to get some much needed sleep. Love and Peace and more tomorrow.
Surviving life without sugar, artificial sweeteners and diet soda. Conquering addition for a better healthier me.
Category Archives: Daily PostsI was so inspired by the support I got from the “women on fire” group today. I am very grateful! I had a really good full day and I ate perfectly. 🙂 Now to get some much needed sleep. Love and Peace and more tomorrow. Seems I was really struggling last night on day 70. I ate a bag of organic blue corn chips. Yes, they were sugar free but I am staying away from trigger foods and any kind of chips are one of them. Plus they are not a whole food. I have a chance to redeem myself […] Eating well is all a mind set. After 69 days, I am making choices to eat right with out thinking twice. I do have to watch my portion control. I wanted to eat all day today,and once again, what saved me was having the right food around me instead of the unhealthy alternatives. Ginger, Ginger Ginger… After posting on the health benefits of Ginger on day 47, I made brown rice and peppers with ginger, lentil soup with ginger, split pea soup with ginger, and now I’m trying a LARABAR called Ginger Snap. I love LARABARS because they are truly made with fruit, nuts and all things natural. The […] |
Inspiration Strategies Support Josie ~ Once Upon a Time Rosalie Donatelli ~ Integrative Nutrition |