Preparation is Key Again: Day 89

I spent the day yesterday in the ER with my mom and she was admitted into the hospital. This is the type of stressor that would normally send me looking for sugar. Actually, I did look for some sugar tonight but couldn’t find any in the house so I settled on a nut bar that was sweetened with honey.

Knowing that I would be visiting my mom in the hospital, I prepared a bag which included a small baggie with raw almonds, an apple, a tangerine, a Lara bar and a bottle water. It’s so easy to go for the wrong food when you under stress or traveling.

When I got home from the hospital tonight, I said to my daughter, ‘let’s go out to eat’. I had a craving for Japanese and she and I could use some time together.

I really have to be careful because even heathy Chinese and Japanese food can be a trigger for me.

This was shot with my daughters Iphone. Brown Rice California Roll

Brown Rice Sushi on

I saw my chiropractor on November 16, two days after I made a commitment to eat better. I was riddled with aches and pains and now since loosing some weight and eating healthy, I feel so much better. I was in his office this week, almost 3 months later and he asked me how I was feeling. I had to think for a minute. I felt fine with very little to complain about. Aside from some tendenitis in my right bisep area, I had no complaints.